Monday, June 30, 2008

road less traveled

I am at a fork in the road. Sooner or later, I'll have to leave the job I've had for more than 4 years. Four years is not a short time. It is the same amount of time I spent in high school... the same span of time I spent in college. It's something I cannot just leave without getting a bit melodramatic.

My work and I, we have a love-hate relationship. I do the hating for most parts though. If it was a real relationship, I'd be the fickle-minded bitch who's always whining. I'd thought about breaking up a thousand times, but I'd always choke when I had to leave.

And now my work is leaving me...leaving us. And it, surprisingly, hurts.

I didn't intend to end up in a call center. I applied 10 days after graduation because I had nothing better to do. Back then a call center job was as cool as ZAGU, so I joined the bandwagon, not knowing where it would lead me... at least I knew it had something to do with phones and talking...and being the telebabad that I am, I got myself a job.

Fast forward to 4 years. I am now a quality assurance specialist, and my job description entails eavesdropping on their calls. Sounds easy breezy, but not everyday. Life is not a pushover. When you think you have it easy, bright and sunny, it turns your world upside down.

For the past few days, I've been stumbling on the biggest questions marks (somebody dumped a mess of them), fretting about the things I should have done, what I'll do, and everything in between.

I am at a fork in the road. One road leads to the same path I took 4 years ago. The other road is the one I've forgotten about. It is the road I hadn't found but wanted to take. And by some luck, chance, or fate I found it. I know it's not an easy road to trek. The grass may not be greener, I might stumble, break my ankle, or some other gory stuff waiting to happen. But as my dear friend Robert said, “... I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference .”


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


I guess life indeed leads us to several paths. I just wish us all the best of luck. I guess what matters is that the memories and the friendships will always remain.



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