Friday, September 16, 2005


Boredom broke into our house again. Great. I have too much time in my hands and the rain’s getting me into a slump…so I guess that leaves me here trapped inside my muddled, dusty room.

I've looked ennui in the face, I have slept with it and lived with it from time to time. It has been an unwelcome companion during the bleak, dry, and lazy days. Sometimes, we would spend the whole afternoon sprawled on the floor staring at the ceiling, observing spider man as he weaves his own condo unit.. And I thought, maybe I should start making my own web. Then again, I remembered I've already made one out of my room& and a jungle out of it just the same. At times, we'd raid the shelves and feast our eyes on the thick, ancient, dust-covered books we can't quite comprehend. With tired eyes and an overused brain, we'd doze off. But the most usual ritual we go through is this-- sitting in front of the pc, looking at the blasted mouse cursor which incidentally is blinking at me at the moment, like screaming to my face "TYPE!" &and I would only come up with some lousy piece such as this. Yes, it's one of those days. I'm so bummed out.


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