Saturday, September 03, 2005


When you die, they say
Your life flashes before you
Like an old film.

Some moments stand out,
Though forgotten and unexpected.
It flashes before you, all at once.

For me, it is the innocence of my baby nephew
His laughter, and the way he pouts at me
When I tell him “nguso baboy”.

It is the warmth of my mother's touch,
And the way she puts up with me
When I’m having PMS.

It is the smile on a stranger's face,
Or a nod greeting me hello
When I run into them on my way to work.

It is the familiar faces of my friends
As we share a funny story,
Or when we grumble about life.

It is a classic basketball game,
Where my favorite team wins
By a point in double overtime.

It is catching my favorite song on the radio,
When I play the guitar,
Or when I hit the right tune.

It is playing with my dogs,
The way they lick my face or wag their tails
When I get home from work.

It is the soft hand

That held mine
During the cold and lonely hours.

It is my wearing my dancing shoes,
As I remember the nameless crowd
That cheered for me.

It is the sunbeam that burns my sleepy eyes
As my eyelids wrestle again
At the start of a new day.

Perhaps, all these,
Will flash before me when I die
Like rain, it will flow through me.

And at that time,
I wish to be able to grasp and appreciate
the flashes of beauty I've experienced in this world
All at once.

© okemonster


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